Learn Saddle Making and enjoy the local sights.

Jefferson Davis Memorial

Located one mile from our home is the Jefferson Davis Monument State Historic Site preserving the birthplace of Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederate States of America. The site includes the visitors' center museum displaying the artifacts from Davis' life. The center sells books and memorabilia about Jefferson Davis and the American Civil War. The 351 foot-tall concrete obelisk completed in 1924 has an observation deck at the top and is equiped with an elevator.

Jefferson Davis Memorial Image Source


mennonites Image Source

Christian and Todd counties in Kentucky have seen a lot of Mennonite and Amish families moving in over the last few decades. As nice farms in the area came on the market, these families sold their land in Pennsylvania and other places in the east and moved here. They live and farm today much as the early pioneers did. They raise several field crops, have dairies and raise poultry. They raise many vegetables which are sold at roadside stands. Their chief methods of transportation are horse and buggies and bicycles. They have their own schools and churches. Most of the children only go through eight grades of school. Then many of them learn one or more trades that support their communities-such as harness repair, bicycle and machinery repair and blacksmithing.